Sunday, August 26, 2007


I thought I had chosen well. My intention had been to choose someone fearless, strong, yet wise, patient; someone indomitable. I thought I had chosen well. But then, I saw it. In his eyes. It flickered like a votive candle left at the bathroom window until the sides melted just enough for the wax to break through and trickle down and over the edge of the windowsill.

I saw, but didn’t believe. I kept my question short, my comment succinct. “Are you leaving? You can take them.” And there it was. That look. Like a cornered dog on the street. The eyes rolled back and off to the side, then tried to focus on me again, blinking rapidly. “Maybe you should go,” he said, walking into the next room. I stuttered, voicing my objection. “No…Wait! Yes, I will go,” I replied quickly. He turned back to me, his head snapping 'round. He realized what he had said. “No! You’ll take too long. You won’t come back.” He had a point. I wouldn’t. We were back where we started.

“Just go, take them, you’ll be fine.” I was becoming impatient. They were his kids, too, after all. There it was, that flicker of fear in his eyes; that look of bewilderment. He would have to take the boys with him to the store. How would he survive this time? He was tired, hungry! They were coming at him. “Make sure they are wearing clothes,” I reminded him. The stores have rules about that.


mirk said...

I was a wee bit worried what I was starting to read about here and so I should have been!

Let me tell you let me tell you!!! It is a little known fact, because we men like it that way, but we men are far superior shoppers than you ladies!

We are faster and more accurate more to the point we never come back with the wrong thing.

floots said...

family life
i thought i'd solved it by moving a long way from everything
(no chance)
at least you made me smile
thank you

Nina said...

mirk: All I can say is, he did come back. And he brought them with him. :) And the items purchased, as well. Hmm... you may have a point.

floots: It's the least I could do. :) Welcome back!

Donna said...


My wonderful husband gets up on a Saturday morning and goes off to the supermarket and back before I am even awake. He doesn't have any kids to take with him though, but even so.

Janice Thomson said...

What a brilliant write lead us along with this one in superb style...loved this!

Nina said...

donna: You lucky woman! Please tell me he makes up the breakfast for you, too. ;)

janice: Some days everything is a drama.

You're both very kind, thanks very much. :)

Donna said...

No not breakfast but I do get a cup of tea brought to the side of the bed every morning. Oooo, I think I chose a good'un here!

fotoface said...

how are we to know whats what.
what are you like.
there we are in the shop we just start to take an interest and suddenly we told its time to go cause we are in a mood. WHAT! mood where did that come from,by the time we get to the car, were in the court getting an assault charge for smiling.
ladies shop best by them self .
and we men have the last word.

Nina said...

donna: I totally agree.

fotoface: Isn't that the truth?!