Saturday, September 15, 2007

Man on the Street

What if you were walking along down the street and you encountered a really big man? I mean BIG. He's there, right in front of you, won’t move. He’s cold, doesn't care what you think of him. This man takes up a lot of space. What would you say? What would you do?

I'll bet you would stare. You would have to take a really close look at him, speechless at how large he truly was. Your children might try to climb on him, not understanding.


Really big. (click the photos and he will appear even bigger)

He's art. That's not his name. According to the sculptor, David Phelps, he is the Pastoral Dreamer. I called the gallery to find out. The man is art, and on the street, where the peoples can see (and touch) him.

It is good.


floots said...

nice one
thank you

fotoface said...

song comes to mind
He stroll into town, nobody knows where he calls home. big JOHN.

Nina said...

floots: Glad you like it. :)

fotoface: Yes, I know the one, a good fit. :)

Annie Wicking said...

I wish we had art like that in the towns near where we live. How interesting to be able to enjoy Art on the streets.

Best wishes

Janice Thomson said...

Oh! I love this! - in fact I'd love him in my backyard. What a neat piece of sculpture.

Nina said...

annie: it is fun to come upon something so...unexpected. Thank you.

janice: I think it would be perfect for your backyard. Peaceful. :)